SexAdvisor Site Review
All Tricks No Ponies on SexAdvisor
While most of you johns might vouch for SexAdvisor, I never needed this stuff. It’s made for newbie bros who need so much info, it gets them hard thinking about the word “escort”. I am not saying you should stay away, or steer clear of SexAdvisor, it has useful info. I just have more direct links that’ll get me the action much sooner. Take it like it is, if you’re looking for subpar info on all the sexy stuff you can do around an area, with 32% coverage, and 72% made up shit, you go straight in there and look around for the stuff that teases your stick. It’s enough to help you find escort sites, and that too will have you bouncing between countries. If I wanna find action in my area, would I look up SexAdvisor? JohnDude doesn’t need that shit, maybe someone who could decode this shit to me what I am supposed to do with info I already know.
See, I don’t hold back when telling you as it is, an escort site kicks ass, deserves the recognition, and I’ll give it to you straight. If it’s shit I’ll tell you it is, without giving you inaccurate info such as rates, and services. Go look around under any location. It’s happy showing you small numbers, but the shit’s not limited to escorts, and I’ll let you in on what you’ll be doing in here.
The SexAdvisor Drill Going All Directions
Take your wife to the cuck club and end up having a threesome. Is that what you wanna do? If you like that shit, it’s on you, my deal is getting all the action, and if I find your wife spread her legs even a little, my snakes gonna slither up her meat pocket faster than you can take a breath Jabroni, grow my little Johns for me.
Besides the frickin’ cuck clubs, you have some other nicer things like a long list of massage parlors operating as a front for happy endings. It’s like the snowflake culture needs euphemisms for everything these days. Say it like it is, if you like the FKK shit, I say go check it out, it’s like a cult activity most of you finer folk may enjoy. If you’re wondering what FKK means, it’s a German free body movement and the full term is Freikörperkultur, nothing like nudists, don’t worry.
Need to find a brothel nearby? SexAdvisor lists you a few, luckily in your area, and not a ripoff. Nightclubs? Hell yeah, that stuff too, but where are the babes at?
Shitty & Fake Reviews on SexAdvisor
People sign up and leave reviews here as it may seem, and SexAdvisor is thriving right now with a user base of 3 people who leave inaccurate and vague on everything. Every profile of places, or sites will have you looking at a few unnecessary details, and the user reviews are one of them. It’s so bad, it can’t even come up on searches where a shitty user review website known as trust pilot reigns supreme. Imma take SexAdvisor and shove it up TrustPilot’s ass for misleading my John Bros.
Maybe A Few Good Deets
Say what you wanna, this site still gives you ins on some of the shit you might never find in obvious places. I mean look at all these esteemed establishments for sinful carnal pleasures for devils and jezebels of all ages. Some of the deeper info will have you laughing, if you notice a cuck club saying carpets are some of their best features, or a nightclub that sells non alcoholic beer for all your fruitcakes. Prices and pay methods are on the profiles, and you can read on a ton of poorly researched reviews that some chimpanzee wrote on a WWI typewriter using his poo. No one writes reviews quite like the JohnDude, and I know y’all love my shit, I go deep in for the juiciest infos. If you are horny, and in need of a warm and moist meatsock, hit up my other reviewed sites, and flip the bird on SexAdvisor.
SexAdvisor You Are On!
Being a place for shitty reviews, and vague leads, I’ll call SexAdvisor out on it any day. But y’all know my pursuits start on legit leads, getting me the action faster than I can drop my pants. If you finer gentlemen want more sophisticated pleasure’s I’d say look around, and try not to get ripped off. And as for SexAdvisor, as a reviewer, JohnDude spits on your half assed shit, crank me up a good one, and show me what you got.
Fake Reviews, Irrelevant Info, Low Coverage, No Vote
You’d still want to check out SexAdvisor, but I can give you a better deal, don’t even have to sign up. I’d say go check it out, it can help you out, giving you some basic infos that will help you get a peepee touch from a hot babe maybe, and when you man the heck up, come make picks from JohnDude’s list.