Realbabes Site Review
RealBabes Rising Hard in Australia
My mates down in Australia tell me a very repetitive thing. If the babe is bangin, she won’t leave you hangin, and that kinda aligns with their offering on escort services all around the country. Australia is a nifty place, and I’ve seen a lot of escorts here to know the lay of the land. For pleasure seekers like yourself, I recommend sites and review them, making it easier for you to know and trust their shit. You all know real well that I put in my time and money to take shots for the team, and tell you like it is. RealBabes is a rather new player in the game, but it is coming up strong with a strong policy for escorts looking to rake in some serious cash. Us guys in the receiving end know what we’re getting, and we know how much to pay for it.
So let’s get you some sexy escorts from RealBabes, the spot where you’ll find escorts that are trying to make their mark, and also some that have an established base of operations, giving y’all VIP services. You’re gonna take John Dude’s word for it, coz when I say it is, it certainly is, ain’t no mistaking it!
JohnDude Scored Big on RealBabes
Like I said it, there ain’t no faking this shit, the escorts in Australia have all the firepower, but the ones from RealBabe add extra gunpowder. It’ll hit you like a train when you expect something real nice, and end up gasping for air under the heavy passion’s play. Now, how does that even work? That’s purely credited to the independent escorts who signed up with RealBabes to offer their services to a wider clientele. You wouldn’t believe me if I said most of them are booked out, and are offering some serious next level shit. I had a babe fly all the way over to Melbourne just to ride me, had to pay for it, good shit don’t come cheap.
I’ve been around Australia for 38 days on one stretch, and over this time, I hooked up with at least 12 babes from RealBabes. Yeah, each one of them were real, and offered some serious shit. I did VIPs, and the usual standard, and I gotta admit I liked the standard babes much more than the VIPs. The independent escorts have a thing going on, where they wanna be known as the hot shit, so they’ll end up giving you that extra service just like they did me, loved every bit of it. And since it’s Aussie, I got to experience a snippet of their under the sheets activity, you’d be missing out if you didn’t hit up RealBabes, that much I can guarantee.
The Site and Profile Shebang on RealBabes
So, they tell you it’s real babes, as if other escort sites have AI or something. AI escorts will be coming in real hot though, but they gotta make it first, but you’re gonna see that shit from the Japs, not the Aussies. The site they’ve put up is pretty slick, and keeps everything in check, starting from the well researched design, all the way to how the theme sets the whole mood for a good bang. There’s quite a lot to do besides snooping around on escort profiles, but I gotta say, these profiles are next level shit.
Alright, on the profiles, we’re used to seeing a very silly trend where it’s just a few necessary info, and you get the number, and please your eyes with a few pics. But with RealBabes, you’re covered on a lot of shit actually. The profiles will have your eyes locked on, looking at all the nifty pics and vids on em. Then you have the long list of infos that include the description of the escort, the services she provides, where she may be touring, her rates, and the times of the week she’s free to entertain. With all that covered, I believe every John Bro should have a proper grip on the entire thing without even speaking to the escorts. I’ll give their profile experience a solid 9, because it cleared out much of the time I’d spend arguing over the phone with the escort.
RealBabes is A Pretty Nifty Escort Site in Australia
No doubt about that, it has given me a good time, and it will do so for all of you choosing to pick from this site made for elites. It is actually a couple hundred notches above regular escort listing sites, and the babes they’ve lined up (more are joining in everyday), they’ll give you the real wild shit from down under you won’t even see it coming. So as for your fun, go make the best of it, and do wear protection. Since this site serves it hot, I’d recommend you leaving me feedback on bad service, coz I’ve personally had none.