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ElSilencio Site Review


ElSilencio Setting You Up with Sexy Escorts in Chile

John Dude knows his women, been banging around for decades, and my tally is way up high. Most of the women I’ve banged are from Latin America, coz it’s the closest place I can find where I get exotic women from where I live. Chile is the place where you’ll find some of the sexiest latinas in the world, coz they all flock there for the booming escort industry. The authority supports it, the folks there love it, how much better could it get? ElSilencio on the other hand is doing the good work, listing top VIp escorts that you could pick up, poke, pay, and let go easily. Perhaps you’d want seconds, and they’re ready for that too. If you’re lookin through the pages of ElSilencio thinkin how you can order up, seeing the step ass prices and the fuck ton of sexy featured listings, I’d say don’t freak out. Just let John Dude show you how shit works around here so you too could be swimming in Chilean poontang all day long buddy!


John Dude Pickin Goddesses on ElSilencio

It ain’t always the case on any other escort listing site, and that’s not because it’ not a freakin agency. You don’t need to order from agencies in Chile to get a good poke, one that has the skills, one that has the rockin hot body, the babe that knows how your shaft works, pushing your buttons just right so you never forget her friggin name, and heck no, Maria doesn’t usually ring true with them. Chile’s given me a lot, and that’s probably because they have a lot, all them sexy latinas coming in for the job, giving you a fine ass treat. Sure, ElSilencio promises you a good time, and you can bet your cheap ass you’ll get your money’s worth here, just like I did.

If you just logged into the site, and see listings that show a price tag of $160000, thinkin if you should pour it all down there, or go back home and buy yourself a corvette, go frick yourself. ElSilencio isn’t listing their babes in dollars, even though the sign suggests so. If you convert that shit to pesos, you ain’t paying anything above $200, and that sounds like a sweet deal for me, coz the babes I see, they’d be worth a couple grands back home no doubt. I’d encourage you John bros to go make picks here, but you always have your options open, just look at all these reviews, I bet you are gonna have yourself a good time in Chile if you’re following JD’s words.


The Babes Comin Right Atcha From ElSilencio

You probably already heard it from me, I did say I got a long line of babes comin at me right from ElSilencio. Suppose you went into the site, saw all the profiles, probably even pulled your pod to all the pics and vids they got up there, the minute they show up, your jaw will drop way below, coz they’re all smokin hot latinas, ready to jump right on you with their bouncy booties, you’re gonna love every bit of it, that much I can assure ya! ElSilencio has some good stuff for ya, and my words wouldn’t cut it, just go check em out for yourself, and poke a few, lemme know how it all was. But, before you do that, lemme familiarize you with the site and profiles.


ElSilencio Site & Profile Experience

Steppin right in, you’ll get a feel of luxury on this site, and the visuals will get you feelin alrite, like you’re gonna get some real luxury shit coming right at you. Settle in, scroll down a tad bit, and you see all the listings near you, coz right from the start, you’ll need to pick your area straight up. Making shit real easy already, all you gotta do is click on the babe you wanna poke.

Get into their profiles, and quite a lotta shit awaits you. Besides their big colelction of pics, vids and tons of info, the profiles are all set up to look real slick. It’ll give you that feel of ultimate luxury, ons you get from proper agency sites. ElSilencio is nothing less than an agency, recruiting bangin latinas for all you John bros. It has everything, from their body measurements, to the stuff they will do to you. You’re gonna get to know everything once you get in a conversation with them, that’s where you seal the deal. I bet y’all know how to take it from here, so I’ll leave y’all to it, that freakin easy.


Get Yourself A Piece Of Sexy Chilean Ass on ElSIlencio

I ain’t kidding, this site got me feelin real good about it’s service policy, and the girls, especially the girls! They make you feel alright, they’re friendly and turn up the heat right when you settle in. I suggest you go through the list, make your pick, seal the deal, poke the poke, and leave your buddy JD a little feedback on how it went. Don’t forget to put on your rubber for good measure.

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